New Medley - Listen now

New Medley - Listen now

West Memphis does it with style and conviction. On stage we’re having a great time – we look the part – dress the part and we’re always interacting with our audience.


Saturday, 7th September
Alex Trevallion Plaza, Marrickville
Marrickville Chamber of Commerce
(Daytime show 11am to 1pm)

Sunday, 6th October
St George Motor Boat Club

Friday, 25th October
Red Kit Fundraiser
Kareela Golf Club

Saturday, 2nd November
Charity Function

Saturday, 30th November
Camden RSL

Sunday, 29th December
St George Motor Boat Club


At weddings I’d be the kid annoying the band guys and I’d be at home saving all my money to buy 45s and I remember my first album purchase which was one of those compilation records like 20 Dynamic Hits or the one with a bum cheek on the cover!


By playing dinner music and then dance music I acquired the skills to adjust the volume of my playing, a skill that many drummers struggle with – very handy when we’re asked to perform at very low volumes due to dinner crowds and private functions.


My brother joined the band Headfirst in the mid 2010s and I filled in when the old keyboard player left. I became one of their lead vocalists. I love belting out a rock song by The Angles or Duran Duran, but I’m equally happy singing swing and a sweet ballad.


Before a show and during the breaks you’ll find me interacting with the audience. I’m an extrovert like that. And on stage its hard to keep me still. I love music and the joy it brings people and I like to think my enthusiasm is infectious.



  • "We were lucky enough to have the West Memphis band play at a company event in mid-2022. It was great to have live music particularly after the restrictions in place during COVID. The music and vocals were extremely good and the band were very engaging with plenty of audience interaction. I would have no hesitation in recommending the West Memphis band for a great mix of blues, country and latin tracks. Best regards,"

    T.H - Hyland Software Sydney

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